Since its founding in 1972, the Centre has published many short papers, most of which were first delivered as lectures at the Centre. The series of Sacks Lectures began in 1973; other series include the Schreiber Lectures, Maxwell Lectures, Stencl Lectures, Jewish Law Fellowship Lectures, Frank Green Lectures, and Martin Goldman Memorial Lectures. The Centre also publishes the proceedings of short symposia held at the Centre and occasional single lectures.

Several of such published lectures are available in PDF format, accessible by clicking on the links below.
ABRAMSON, Glenda: The Distant Self – Aspects of Alienation in Contemporary Hebrew Poetry
(1st Schreiber Fellowship Lecture) [1982]
BALCOMBE, The Rt Hon Lord Justice: The Attitude of the Law to Religion in a Secular Society [1989]
BARON, Salo W: Ethnic Minority Rights – Some Older and Newer Trends
(10th Sacks Lecture) [1985]
CARMICHAEL, Calum: The Ten Commandments
(9th Sacks Lecture) [1987]
CARMICHAEL, Calum: King David’s Adultery
(4th Jewish Law Fellowship Lecture) [1992]
CIGMAN, Gloria: The Jew as an Absent-Presence in Late Medieval England
(17th Sacks Lecture) [1991]
CIGMAN, Gloria and HOWLETT, David: Birthday Celebration for Naky Doniach OBE [1991]
COSGRAVE, Patrick: The origins, evolution and future of Israeli foreign policy
(6th Sacks Lecture) [1979]
DAICHES, David: The Valley of Tears and Dover Beach (1st Sacks Lecture) [1974]
DAUBE, David: Ancient Hebrew Fables
(Inaugural Lecture of the Centre) [1973]
DAUBE, David: Esther [1989]
DAUBE, David : Medical and Genetic Ethics
DAUBE, David and CARMICHAEL, Calum:The Return of the Divorcee
(1st Jewish Law Fellowship Lecture) [1987]
DAUBE, David and CARMICHAEL, Calum: Witnesses in Bible and Talmud and Biblical Laws of Talion [1986]
DELLAPERGOLA, Sergio: World Jewry Beyond 2000: The Demographic Prospects
(3rd Frank Green Lecture) [1999]
EBAN, Abba: The Intellectual Climate in Israel Today
(2nd Sacks Lecture) [1975]
ECKARDT, A. Roy: Comedy versus Tragedy – Post-Shoah Reflections
(1st Maxwell Lecture) [1990]
FINESTEIN, Israel: Post-Emancipation Jewry – The Anglo-Jewish Experience
(7th Sacks Lecture) [1980]
FISHMAN, William J: Morris Winchevsky’s London Yiddish Newspaper – 100 years in Retrospect
(2nd Stencl Lecture) [1985]
FRANKEL, S Herbert: Modern Capitalism and the Jews [1983]
GILBERT, Sir Martin Britain, Palestine and the Jews, 1891-1939
(3rd Sacks Lecture) [1977]
GOODMAN, Martin: Who Was A Jew [1989]
JACKSON, Bernard S: The Teaching of Jewish Law in British Universities
(2nd Jewish Law Fellowship Lecture) [1990]
JACOBS, Louis: Objectivity and Subjectivity in Jewish Decisions – The Debate on Aid
(3rd Jewish Law Fellowship Lecture) [1991]
KING, Robert D: The Weinreich Legacy
(5th Stencl Lecture) [1988]
LEVENBURG, Schneier: From Czar to Glasnost – Yiddish in the Soviet Union
(6th Stencl Lecture) [1989]
LIPMAN, V. D. (Editor): Sir Moses Montefiore – A Symposium
LITVINE, Mordechai: Translations into and from Yiddish
(8th Stencl Lecture) [1991]
MALAMAT, Abraham: Early Israelite Warfare and the Conquest of Canaan
(4th Sacks Lecture) [1978]
MANDEL, George: Who Was Ben-Yehuda with in Boulevard Montmartre [1984]
MAXWELL, Elisabeth: Why should the Holocaust be remembered and therefore taught [1988]
MENDELOVITCH, Bernard: Memories of London Yiddish Theatre
(7th Stencl Lecture) [1990]
MENDELSOHN, Ezra: The Ambiguous ‘Lessons’ of Modern Polish-Jewish History
(1st Goldman Lecture) [1995]
MENDES-FLOHR, Paul: Jewish Philosophy: An Obituary
(4th Frank Green Lecture) [1999]
NEUSNER, Jacob: Max Webber Revisited – Religion and Society in Ancient Judaism
(8th Sacks Lecture) [1981]
PATTERSON, David: A Darkling Plain – Jews and Arabs in Modern Hebrew Literature [1988]
PATTERSON, David: Out of Bondage
(15th Sacks Lecture) [1989]
PATTERSON, David and TAL, Uriel: Changing Approaches to Society in 19th C Hebrew Literature and Jewish Thought (Inaugural Schreiber Fellowship Lecture) [1980]
POLONSKY, Antony: The Failure of Jewish Assimilation in Polish Lands and its Consequences
(3rd Goldman Lecture) [2000]
PRAWER, S.S.: A.N.Stencl – Poet of Whitechapel
(1st Stencl Lecture) [1984]
RAN, Leyzer: Vilna, Jerusalem of Lithuania
(4th Stencl Lecture) [1987]
SCHAFER, Peter: Gershom Scholem Reconsidered – The Aim and Purpose of Early Jewish Mysticism
(12th Sacks Lecture) [1986]
SCHARF, Raphael F: Extenuating Circumstances A Personal Memoir of Polish-Jewish Relations
(4th Goldman lecture) [2003]
SHAMIR, Shimon (with an introduction by HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal) : Acceptance of the Other – Liberal Interpretations of Islam and Judaism in Egypt and Israel
(21st Sacks lecture) [2003]
SHAPIRO, E. Donald: Birth, Law, Medicine and Morality (11th Sacks Lecture) [1986]
SILBERSCHLAG, Eisig (Ed.): Eliezer Ben-Yehuda: A Symposium in Oxford [1981]
SIMPSON, W.W.: Freedom, Justice and Responsibility -A Retrospective Prospect
(13th Sacks Lecture) [1987]
SOLOMON, Joseph : Jewish Rights in a Jewish Land [1987]
SUFOTT, E Zev: Israel and the Diaspora – Roles and Responsibilities [1996]
ULLENDORFF, Edward: The Bawdy Bible
(5th Sacks Lecture) [1978]
VALENCIA, Heather: ‘Only King David Remained’ – Reactions to the Holocaust in the poetry of Kadya Molodowsky
(14th Stencl Lecture) [2006]
VERMES, Geza: The Dead Sea Scrolls Forty Years On
(14th Sacks Lecture) [1987]
WASSERSTEIN, Bernard: Herbert Samuel and the Partition of Palestine
(16th Sacks Lecture) [1990]
WEBBER, Jonathan: The Future of Auschwitz: Some Personal Reflections
(1st Frank Green Lecture) [1992]
WISTRICH, Robert: Antisemitism in the New Europe
(2nd Frank Green Lecture) [1994]